Mateen Beg - iibGroup

Mateen Beg


Mateen is a finance professional with over 25 years experience. He started his career in the UK with KPMG before moving to Deutsche Bank and then ABN AMRO, where he was Finance Director for the private equity arm.

In 2006 he moved to the Middle East and has since been a CFO for various companies in the region, which also included corporate advisory activities covering Africa. His sectoral experience, inter alia, includes infrastructure, industrials and banking. Latterly, he headed up the Dubai office of a global litigation financing firm focusing on NPL recovery for the MENA region.

Mateen holds a Masters in Finance & Economics from the University of Dundee and is a chartered accountant holding fellowships both in the UK and Australia. He also holds a LLM in Arbitration & Dispute Resolution and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in the UK.

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