iib salary account offers an advance on your salary to ease your financial needs. If you are a Government or private sector employee, apply today.

Who can apply?

18 years or older

Residents of Djibouti

NIC or Passport holder (proof of identity)

Required documents

2 recent photographs

Proof of income (payslip, work contract etc.)

Proof of address (e.g. utility bill)


Minimum initial deposit of DJF 1,500

Minimum balance DJF 0

Free iib debit card on accepted on all iib ATMs with no charge

Standing order facility for recurrent payments

Advance on salary for eligible employees

Free online banking to access your account(s) and perform transactions

Free SMS alerts

iib term deposit

Earn a high rate of interest with the iib term deposit. Take advantage of our competitive rates of interest and enjoy a secure and regular income.

iib savings account

iib savings account is a simple way to save and  access  your money instantly. You can open it in your name, jointly with someone or for a minor child.

Call us for any queries

+253 213 57700